My super empty unit tour!

Yes, I’m officially going nuts!
In the midst of the wedding we had to move to our new place too! This to us was such a challenge because we could barely even find time for anything else and now on top of the wedding we’ve gotta work out the items for the new place too!
Of course having a new place is really exciting, but the first few night yesterday was a little erm, empty
This is because we literally only have a Sofa and a bed as furnitures(lucky we have beds to sleep on last night)

Anyways I gotta bolt off soon so here’s a few quick photos of the current place(hopefully I’ll be able to do a before and after unit tour really soon because it looks super meh at the moment)
I know exactly how I want the unit to look like but I just hvnt really gotten the time yet to sit down and think how I can actually achieve the look.

The kitchen sure needs quite alot of work, the flooring and cabinets are good, just need the right home appliances to pull the look in together. Not a huge fan of the layout but the extra storeroom sure does come super in handy.

and this will be my workroom. As you can tell, Nate is already working on the (yes, first piece of furniture I bought for my workroom) makeup storage. Nate’s really persistent about how easy it is to assemble the items so we shall wait.

and my guest room which is now completely not a guest room since it’s got nothing to offer to guests if they do come

and well, the only thing in the masterroom at the moment. Def gonna add carpets in, I think I’ve gotten so used to having carpeted floors in Perth I feel rooms that don’t have them look incomplete. Will def have to work this out bt.

and I guess that’s all for now. Will do a proper update once the unit’s done!
Can’t believe it’s already Thursday! a few more days to go and I’m gonna be done with the wedding stuff(and hopefully forever!)

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