Just keep walking.

Went to the beach yesterday and took a really long walk with Tom and Dan. I realised something, in about a weeks time I’d be attending my 3rd Johnnie Walker Circuit Night this year! It has always been an honor to be invited, even more when they have such an amazing slogan “Keep Walking” that constantly encourages you to keep working for the goals you want in life.
I always thought about progressing in life in a bigger picture, how I want to get to where I want to be in life, being the person I’d eventually want people to describe me as, but walking along the beach has kinda made me think of something else, It’s not just the big things that I’ve been progressing, it’s the little things that really counts too.
I’ve always had a passion in photography, took me ages to convince my parents to buy me my first DSLR and when they finallly did I was over the moon! I start experimenting with different settings, different styles and was hoping I’d be able to use the camera to capture something I’m really proud of, you know, that kinda pics that people see and know instantly it’s my work..

Well obviously I’m still far away from that but I’ve come a long long way from when I’ve just started. See, progressing in life can be a simple as mastering a skill that you’d need in life, in my case, it was photography. I’ve always been blessed enoough to travel the world, hence wanting to take the memories back in picture form has always been my goal. I used to dislike the photos I take, thinking that it’s nothing special and that it’s alot prettier in real life when you actually get to see it. Thank goodness I didn’t give up, imagine how I’d feel now if I sold my camera back then becausee of the frustration I get from not achieving the photos I expect myself to take. I have to admit, there was about a year’s time I nearly gave up on photography and left my camera on the shelf for a good 9 months before actually picking it up again. It wasn’t easy to keep walking in photography either, imagine the frustration when you click that shutter button and the image you see/expect is not the image you get on the camera screen. I knew it was to do with practice and more learning but it wasn’t easy to get through that barrier of thought. All that kept me walking to where I want to, and even till now is that I knew if I gave up, I’d regret this in my later days because I know, and I believe that I can actually do it. If all fails, just keep walking anyways because you will never know where life will bring you

I wouldn’t say I’m where I expect myself to be just yet but I’m def alot closer than where I started my path. At least now when I take the photos, I’m actually happy with the photos I’ve taken. So enough writing, here’s some photos I took of just before the sunsets. Cottesloe Beach has always been one of my fav beach in Perth. It’s about a few minutes drive away from where I’m currently staying so I’m def coming back to this beach before I leave again.

So that’s my story about not giving up and how I’ve progressed in life. What about you? Share your story at their facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/JohnnieWalkerMalaysia and stand a chance to win yourself a Gold Lounge pass to the event!
Otherwise you could also click onto this link https://stepinside.my/JWCL and see how you can score yourself tickets to this exclusive event!
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