Sometimes when all else fails to cheer you, you ask yourself what to do
Well I for one always go for food, at least they wont talk and you are the one doing all the eating so all good right lol
I brought Andrew to Pulp, hidden away in Bangsar(it’s near Florestika) but if you hadn’t known you’d think it’s just another factory just by the looks of it. Even the decor itself looks like it’s a factory
I don’t think they’ve started their proper breakfast but for now they have pretty good cakes and muffins and pies
Andrew, being alot taller than me obviously didn’t had to go through much to take a photo, but I had to climb onto chairs to get a decent shot of my food, which resulted Andrew shouting outloud
“YUKI you are embarrasing me!” but hey, what good is a thing if you don’t even try and put effort to getting it right =p The photo by the way is on my Instagram acc(yukiko_tan) so do have a look and press that following button if you haven’t already!
They lady suggested a carrot cake, I personally liked it but I guess I didn’t manage to finish it all because I’ve already finished my mushroom pie(I really liked it)
For the first time, I ordered myself a latte. If you asked me, I really enjoyed it! Most occasions I always have been skeptical to coffees coz of the taste but this was alright, fine, it was very enjoyable so I’m def coming back for coffee if I ever had another urge again.
So yeah, wouldn’t be a blogpost without my mushroom pie ya hah. I have to say I really liked it, it’s a little flakey but all good.
So yeah, I guess food is always good therapy, so in the future when all else fails, remember there’s always food and exercise to keep yourself busy from thinking too much!