Thursday Mayhem

So now that the project is officially done, I can finally talk abit more about what I’ve been up to. I’ve been helping out with a project so for the past 21 days has been abit of a hell for me. I’ve had no break, no weekends, no public holiday and pretty much late hours everyday.
To give you an idea, on the last day we stayed in the office till 6.30AM, and I was still the earliest to leave amongst teh whole group
Yesterday I finally had time to get my hair done, which is good because I finally get abit of time for myself. Today, went out with a lovely lady for brunch =D nothing fancy, but at least the company was awesome. We even had this dude who started talking to us out of nowhere and we chat bout pretty much from engineering stuff to french language.
Awesome time catching up!

Excuse the tired face, both of us have had minimal sleep for the past few days

lunch is still lunch, so we really need food don’t we? Ended up with just normal Norwegian benedict from The Good Batch!

As much as I’ve appreciated good coffee for the past few weeks, I’d still appreciate a good cuppa.

So yes, my brain might not be working atm but I’ve enjoyed my arvo today quite a fair bit.

Again, thank you Calvin from 76 for getting my hair right every single time! Love it when I can trust him enough for him to make the best hair decisions for me!

Proper blogpost soon, like really really soon I promise!

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