Bye Mal!

So I’ve finally got a few things settled! I do have to apologize in advance coz blogging at the moment will be abit difficult with the lack of Wifi at my current place.
Let me just quickly do a quick summary of the things that has happened this week before I forget everything!
On Monday, me, Shon, Ervin, Edwin, John Kit and Frankie managed to catch the Putrajaya Magic Convention Gala Show.

I’ve even managed to catch Mike Chao LIVE. You cannot imagine how happy I am to be able to see him perform live, always a lil fan girl when it comes to someone who can do manipulation real smooth
If you haven’t seen his performance

And I managed to take a photo with him! All thanks to the lovely young chap from Taiwan who went through all the effort so I could take a photo with him!

Even managed to sneak in a photo with the AMAZING emcee Harry, he’s just such an amazing emcee I tell you

So on Tuesday, it was just ramens and cakes with my friends and a heaps loads of packing and currency exchanging after lol. Hopped onto the plane, narrowly missing Parthiban who was also flying to Bangkok and landed here in SG after a short 45 minutes flight. Flight was abit dreadful lol, I had like the last row seats which meant it was a good 45 minutes of torture ride for me. The rest of the day consisted of daily necc shopping, bedding shopping for the bed and all that stuff.
Yesteerday was abit more eventful I guess, went to Taka to grab some decent pillows and stop by TWG for my arvo tea

I must say the service is really quite awesome! I even got free macarons on the house, probs the waiter thought it was abit sad for me to rock up alone to grab tea HAHAHAH but free stuff is always good stuff, I shan’t complain!
Then it was just a brief catchup with some of the local performers

and that’s pretty much all of the stuff that has been happening to me the past few days! My work visa is finally approved (Thank the Lord) and I cannot wait to properly settle down now! Absolutely loving my bed at the moment, it’s so comfortable(granted I did add quite a fair layers of mattress protectors and what not) and as you can tell I made a sneaky purchase at bath and body works yesterday too. LOVING Market Peach so I think I’m gonna stock up on it for abit. Will do a quick haul to the things I’ve bought next but for now heres a pic of my bed

and I will have to sign off now because I need to go get a hair dryer soon. I don’t think it’d be a good idea to go past the week without a hair dryer coz I’m probs gonna look like a lion by the end of the week with the humidity here
Till then!

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