I’ve been getting alot of questions to where I’m actually based at the moment, or whether my trip here to Singapore is just for another holiday trip so here you go!
I’ve actually relocated here to Singapore for work. This will be my 4th week staying in Singapore so yay, it’s been slightly over a month since I’ve been here. I still travel back to KL about every 2-3 weeks so I guess it doesn’t really feel like that much of a change but I’ve been traveling more on a plane than I have on cab in the past 3 months so it’s bit tiring. Work has been amazing, food here still is not as good as the ones we get in KL but guess you just can’t have everything else in life but I’m starting to realise how things here are quite different to how it is in KL
1) Billing Cycle-Most billing cycle here starts on the 1st. Doesn’t matter when sign your phone/gym plan, they pro rata rate it then your full cycle will always start on the 1st. Tad bit weird to getting used to but I’ll manage
2) Banking-Instead of just getting the normal OTP number via your phone number, you get this little device called the security token to help you with all your bill payments. I’m not sure how I feel about this because now I’ll have(well, at least I’m supposed to be) to carry this token with me everywhere
3) Language- Singlish is very, VERY different. The amount of times I’ve had to just pretend to understand the conversation is unbelievable. Words like “Chim”, “Kao-bei????(goodness I can’t even spell it”) confuses me every single day haha. I think if you give me another half year or so I might just be fluent in Singlish too!
4) Commute-If it’s just one station away, it PROBABLY is just a short walking distance away. I love the fact that I can walk to almost everywhere here, not all, but almost.
5) Driving- I still think Malaysians are better drivers =p
Right, so that’s pretty much everything I can think of of now but with work, magic and finding contents to blog about going on, it’s been very difficult to even have a day to stay home and not do anything. I’m loving it bt, just the idea of having my time all filled up with different stuff makes me really very excited!
Of course, you can’t really do a Monday post without a weekend update so here we go
My Thursdays are almost becoming like a routine now. Going Om, magic session discussions and just enjoying the amazing live singing by their local artist
A nice Om-jito( the place name is Going Om) , the quiet night, such a huge comparison to the busy busy Singapore you get during the day
Kinda helps unwind you don’t you think?
Of course, the night only gets better when you get to watch awesome magic performances
Here’s a photo of a photobomber(if you can see him),
but let’s not put too much focus on him ey, hah. Don’t you think this place is ridiculously pretty at night?
Then on Friday, me and my bosses made an impromptu trip to IKEA. Here’s a photo of L trying to decide which food picture to take to tempt the colleagues back in the office.
Ikea meatballs on a Friday arvo, not too shabby of a lunch don’t you reckon?
Of course, being Malaysian I had to get the Nasi Lemak. I particularly love the tall tables next to the window. The sunlight always makes photos super super pretty
Of course, I just couldn’t resist a selfie shot
Then on Friday night, we headed out for another dinner at Grand Hyatt. Food, food and more food
Then followed by a K-session that lasted till bout half past 2. Gave up resisting the bed on Saturday and slept through the whole of the day HAHA. I was actually really good, did all my boring housechores that night and then headed out for some grocery shopping then back to sleep again.
On Sunday however, was abit more productive. Sundays are usually my meet my cousins day so we headed out for breakfast and I chilled for quite abit at their place after breakfast. Later that night Nat brought me out for some I scream you scream for ice cream session and that pretty much concludes my weekend activities!
How was yours?
I hope to be updating abit more about living here in Singapore and how it’s slightly ever so different when living in KL, and since I’ve got abit more time now there’s plenty of DIY to be done!I’m really excited =D Let me know if you are coming to SG anytime soon!