Last night after work, me and a few colleagues decided to go out for dinner. A relatively late one actually, considering the time we left the office was already nearly half past 8. Found our way to Somerset 313 and well, us being us, just couldn’t quite resist the temptation of taking photos
Lucky me, I wasn’t quite the only one who had my camera constantly out on standby. K has this thing(I swear I’m not kidding) where everytime was a good photo moment.
By the time we got to Ippudo Ramen, we were famished.
So we each ordered a bowl of ramen to ourselves, I had the karaka-men whilst the rest had the signature momoaji ramen, and we got ourselves a side dumpling dish to share too.
It was DELICIOUS. I was particularly a huge fan the option where we could pick how we like our noodles cooked.
So when we were all well fed and watered, we (I say we but it’s actually just the girls really) craved for ice cream. Was walking towards Honey Creme and we saw this blackboard for scribble and boy oh boy did it get us really excited.
Chuck our bags down and grabbed ourselves a handful of chalk and started drawing. I’ve never really thought of the question though to be honest, I’ve been actually pretty happy with the way life is I’ve never quite thought if I had another chance what I’d like it to be like. Of course everyone wouldn’t mind being richer, to be someone different but if I had just once choice, I’d just be me again.
But, scribbling is always still heaps of fun HAHA
And there you go, a little spot on the board. I have a feeling they clean the board everyday so a picture for memories keepsake is always good.
Then we continued our little journey to Honey creme, only then being completely broken hearted because they are all done for the day. Still tad reluctant to give up on ice cream so we thought we’d try our luck at Cold Stone and got a slight distracting along the way.
I don’t think it quite fits but heck, giant shoe. Can’t resist
and then really heading for ice cream.
Had quite abit of problem trying to decide which flav to get so we ended up getting 3 scoops.
Mojito, Mocha and Irish Cream
Left mojito the way it was because it was ridiculously yum even without the toppings but we couldn’t resist some toppings on the creamier ice creams.
MMMM chocolates
and just right after they finished mashing everything up, they threw our ice cream in the air!
That, was really an I-scream moment HAHA
Did the fella caught the ice cream you wonder?
Well of course he did hah, else we wouldn’t be enjoying our ice creams then!
Sitting on the artificial grass because we can
But after a little while of photo sessions we got abit bored of the place and thought we’d head up to the rooftop garden instead.
And we came out to this amazingly little place that was all decked out in fairy lights
I have to admit, the view wasn’t as near of a view compared to the garden itself
We didn’t stay long tho, had to catch our last train back but sometimes a place like that is pretty good spot to chill compared to the busy streets of Singapore
And that was it for my Thursday night adventures
Halloween tonight? Are you guys ready?