July Plans.

So I know June isn’t quite over yet but I need to start planning for July now, reason being well, I’m off on a couple of trips again.

I know I won’t be blogging as much this month coz I’m busy packing to move back to KL and I also have got a few things I’ve got to settle before moving back.Good news? I’ll have that little bit of spare time to go around Singapore before I leave back to KL, then heading to Perth again

Yup, I’m heading to Perth again. Gonna be there for nearly the whole of July so I’m really excited! Bring on the photo opp! It’s going to be winter so I guess I better start shopping for some warm clothings

Then perhaps sneak in a little trip at the end of July

I don’t think I can really ever sit still in one country. Perhaps I should really re-consider my job hah. Anyone hiring a full time traveller?
Anyways, met up with a few friends at Once Upon A Time Cafe over the weekend

And had dinner having some really much missed Penang food. Now I can’t sit still, can’t wait for July to come

and it’s a few more days till Friday guys! Have a great week!

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