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由于部落格的layout, 用较大的屏幕阅读这个部落格是最好的哦
Last week was relatively busy, perhaps one of the more unforgettable week I’ve had in the year 2016 but my week only started picking up slightly after midweek. I spent the most my time on the new blog layout(as you can prolly tell by now) and also learning up new html codings for the entry layouts to spice things up a little (I hope you like it).
This coming week will be a very busy one as I’ll be off to a very last minute trip(I’ll explain when I blog about it) so I’m just trying to organize everything to make sure the blog is not neglected
说真的,上个星期还是挺特别的一个星期了。 刚刚开始的那几天还算是蛮宅的,毕竟买了新的部落格的template, 还是得花一点时间习惯上来。 可是啊,剩下的那几天可是我2016 年暂时以来最难忘的一个星期了。
Croptop- Topshop, Cardigan- Love Bonito,
Skirt- DIY, Flats- Pazzion
I’ll start with Thursday. On Thursday I met up with Andrew and Cindy for coffee. Knowing I am a huge big cat fan(Lions, Tigers, pretty much anything that could potentially kill me) They brought me to see meow meow the serval cat.
The serval cat is a medium-sized African wild cat native to sub-Saharan Africa.
This precious tame(no I’m not kidding) little thing was such a sweetheart! He cuddled with me after warming up and I was so reluctant to leave him by the end of my visit session! I don’t think my macaw pet share my sentiments to how I feel about him but in all honestly, how often do you get to cuddle up with a 4 months old baby serval cat?
说真的,这小宝贝还真的挺温顺的,和我玩熟了后竟然还会和我撒娇了!大爱啊! 现在的他也就只有四个月,再过几个月它就会迅速长大咯
Then that night, Ah bok asked me along for a food review at Green Dot Stables at Centerpoint. To be honest I was a little skeptical at first, I haven’t had a good slider in Malaysia just yet so even with it being an American franchise, I wasn’t quite sure of the quality of food. But I was proven wrong! The food was great, the owner told us they had their american chef here to teach the locals how to make sure it tasted exactly the same as it would in the states and the best part? The food was so affordable(single digit priced sliders!) and it has a huge range of selections you’re bound to find a slider you’ll enjoy
Ah bok 去试吃食物啦。 说真的,我还挺不喜欢傍晚的时候出门的,主要就是因为堵车嘛,可是这次的地点就在我家附近的 Centerpoint.店面是
Green Dot Stables, 食物呢,就是美国式的slider food. 刚刚开始的时候还对餐厅的食物有所保留,毕竟很多时候很多外国分行的餐厅来到大马都会少了一个味道。 可是啊,食物真的都好好吃啊。老板还和我们分享了他们家为了要保证食物和美国分行味道没太大的差异,还专门请了美国的师傅来传授他的秘诀了,肯定了味道,才离开大马的。 我觉得最过瘾的,是食物的价钱。价钱真的很平民(单位数的说),而且选择也真的好多好多,你肯定可以找到你喜欢吃的一个slider了。
I loved their bacon prawn side dish, and also really really enjoyed their bacon bite entries. As to the sliders, to be honest, there was so much sliders that I tried that night. I couldn’t remember which I like best, but if I wasn’t mistaken it was a tie between the pulled pork and the otak otak. Lucky for me, the place is near my house and they are doing a this ridiculously well priced lunch deal for 2 sliders+1 drink for RM12.90
You can get cocktails too at a price of RM15, how awesome!
喜欢吃bacon 的人绝对可以考虑来这家店吃了。他们家的entree 好多bacon 的选择,我自己特别喜欢它们家的bacon+虾的side dish, 可是可能自己也是bacon迷,所以对他们的bacon bites也情有独钟。这热热的天气来个bacon bites+ 一杯冷啤酒,还真的好过瘾啊
Then on Friday,
Paige invited me to go along with her to attend Sisley’s event at GlassHouse. There was so much I’ve learnt from that day just about the brand so I’ll keep this mention short and simple as I’m going to be doing a first impression post separately about their products sometime this week
星期五,Paige约了我出席Sisley 的event. 整个workshop我还真的学了好多东西,所以要写下来的话,会有点长哦,所以我会把那天学到的东西另外写篇部落格,顺便写下我对他们家的化妆和保养品的看法~
Photo credits to Paige
When Hubert d’Ornano founded Sisley in 1976, the aromatherapy and phytotherapy wave had not yet hit Europe. The use of botanical active ingredients and essential oils in beauty products was still a highly innovative concept.Sisley Paris
Photo credits to Shivani
Saturday Night view at Stratosphere
Ended the rest the weekend with a night out with Charles and May at Stratosphere, an arvo with alicia and the rest with my family.
剩下的,就是和好朋友一起到了Stratosphere 观夜景,alicia 的下午茶,和家人一起聚餐。 你们的星期过得还好吗?