计划永远赶不及变化哈哈哈,这个拿来开写这个blogpost 还真的是好贴切。我本来应该是在柬埔寨的,可是就真的临时(三天)的计划,结果还是和妈妈和家人跑来北海道了。
Was suppose to be in Cambodia, but due to some last minute changes, I’ve landed myself in Hokkaido with my mom and some relatives for a quick getaway. The weather has been way too hot in Malaysia so a quick getaway is always a good idea
我们一抵达,就先找吃的了。北海道要吃的东西还挺多的,拉面就是其中一个必吃的啦~ 上网看了这家 海老一幻 ,就想说反正也在机场,就去试试吧。 这个虾汤还可真的好浓郁啊。可能我自己也不是很爱吃虾的人,所以就没怎么样特别喜欢,可是你若大爱虾,真的可以考虑来试吃哦
Once we got here, the first thing we started looking for was for food. There’s plenty of food to be tried if you are in Hokkaido, one of it was their ramen. We found online that there’s this place call Ebisoba Ichigen Ramen shop that does prawn soup ramen, which to be honest wasn’t my bowl of noodles coz I ain’t a huge prawn fan but if you are, you probs will really enjoy this dish.

Once we got here, the first thing we started looking for was for food. There’s plenty of food to be tried if you are in Hokkaido, one of it was their ramen. We found online that there’s this place call Ebisoba Ichigen Ramen shop that does prawn soup ramen, which to be honest wasn’t my bowl of noodles coz I ain’t a huge prawn fan but if you are, you probs will really enjoy this dish.

然后就开始找我们的住宿咯。这次因为也就刚到,所以想说第一天我们就找了民宿住看看。就定了一个六个人的房间,日本榻榻米式的,还真的挺舒服的。我个人觉得房间有点小,可是就胜于价钱很合理,而且还算是很舒服的一个地方呢。有兴趣的人可以考虑 Khaosan
As it was our first day and we weren’t quite sure of our itinerary, we thought we’d give Khaosan Hostel a shot. The place is really well priced, we got an ensuite to ourselves, it’s a little too small for my liking but it was still really comfortable so I def recommend this place to people who are on the lookout for a budget stay in Sapporo
As it was our first day and we weren’t quite sure of our itinerary, we thought we’d give Khaosan Hostel a shot. The place is really well priced, we got an ensuite to ourselves, it’s a little too small for my liking but it was still really comfortable so I def recommend this place to people who are on the lookout for a budget stay in Sapporo


我自己本身是很爱吃霜淇淋的,所以对霜淇淋我是算很挑了,这家店的霜淇淋真的太好太好吃了,我真的很难去形容是多么的好吃,所以你真的,真的,真的要去吃。(很重要所以要说三遍,可是我真的很懒惰打三行字所以,你自己想象我已经写了三遍吧 *网址*
THIS, was the B E S T soft serve I’ve had! it’s so so so so SO GOOD. Yes the cheese bake tart was really good as well but seriously this soft serve was the best! Check them out *here*
THIS, was the B E S T soft serve I’ve had! it’s so so so so SO GOOD. Yes the cheese bake tart was really good as well but seriously this soft serve was the best! Check them out *here*

其实说真的,第一天还真的没做很多东西,就一直吃,一直买东西然后就回酒店休息了。果然年纪老了这样飞还真的好吃力啊. 晚上就去了hana maru 吃寿司。说真的还觉得属于比较普通的一餐,所以就不需要多提了吧
To be honest, we didnt’ really do much on our first day, we did some good shopping bt, I’ll have it written in a different post but we just ate, shop and then headed back to the hotel for a good night rest to recuperate from the flight lol. We did however drop a visit at Hana Maru Sushi, it was good, but I felt that I’ve had better ones elsewhere.
To be honest, we didnt’ really do much on our first day, we did some good shopping bt, I’ll have it written in a different post but we just ate, shop and then headed back to the hotel for a good night rest to recuperate from the flight lol. We did however drop a visit at Hana Maru Sushi, it was good, but I felt that I’ve had better ones elsewhere.

and that’s it for my first day! I’ll be updating more real soon so watch this space!

and that’s it for my first day! I’ll be updating more real soon so watch this space!