Shigaken, the path less travelled | 滋賀県

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由于部落格的layout, 用较大的屏幕阅读这个部落格是最好的哦
So back to my Japan blogpost. One of the days during my trips, I decided to travel out of Kyoto and head straight to Shigaken. Shigaken is a prefecture just half hour away from Kyoto and in the prefecture you’ll be able to see Japan’s largest freshwater lake-lake biwa. It’s less known for amongst tourist but it is still a very beautiful place. Enjoy my photolog guys!
好啦,回来日本之篇了。在还没写大阪的post 前,先来个照片po 好不好。说真的我其实没想过要去滋賀県,可是想想不看日本最大的淡水湖又好像有点过意不去。其实本来要去延暦寺的,可是过后时间不是很充裕,所以就想说下次再去就好了。这个地方其实不多旅客,所以算是有点偏远,可是还蛮不错的。好了,不多说,看图吧

First you get a Koto Koto Otsu railway day pass from Keihan Railway station or any of the places that sells train day passes, and you are ready to go!
要去的话,记得买电车一日票哦(Koto Koto Otsu),
If you want a birds eye view of the lake and the city, this is def a place to go! The hike up isn’t too bad, so I def recommend this place as a start to your trip

And that is it for my photos! Next post will be a heavy Osaka guide! Till then!
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