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由于部落格的layout, 用较大的屏幕阅读这个部落格是最好的哦
Nara is a beautiful city that is not too far from both Kyoto and Osaka. Hop on to either the subway or JR line and after around 45 mins, you’ll arrive at this beautiful green city. To be completely honest I was totally smitten by Kyoto before I made my trip to Nara and was convinced that there will be no other city that will come place to being my favourite city. I gotta be honest, Nara did steal my heart, half maybe because I’m still so in love with Kyoto but I gotta admit, Nara did made me a little confuse there.

So the easiest train station to would be the Kintetsu Nara Station. I made little trip with S because it was the only sunny day left on both our trips in Japan and I think S just couldn’t resist the offer of checking out Nara before he left Japan. Come to think of it, I only met S for less than 10 hours! but all was well, had so much fun and S was quite punny with all his deer jokes
We first went for lunch at this really fancy japanese restaurant, for Unagi of course and was quite happy with our meal. Prices were quite reasonable I felt for a Unagi Don but it was a good thing we went rather early, the queue was quite insane after.
就先到Naramachi 吃鳗鱼饭咯~还好早去了,不然人潮可恐怖了
就先到Naramachi 吃鳗鱼饭咯~还好早去了,不然人潮可恐怖了

Hey deer, you are like an overly attached girlfriendSam
But seriously, once you get out of the place there’s like deers everywhere! According to the locals, these deers come down from the mountains everyday for food, and leave back to the mountain before sunset to rest! Crazy!


Dude you got food?

No, serious bro I know you’ve got food


Then we came to this free entrance Japanese theme garden, that provides free entrance for foreigners! Win!


As you can tell, crowd’s insane so we skipped the iconic temple and headed over to Todaiji Nigatsu Do instead


Todaiji Nigatsu Do|東大寺二月堂
This place is perhaps my fav lookout point in Nara. It’s quiet and you can see the deserted Nara Dreamland(I really really wanted to check it out but T.T next time I guess)

And that is pretty much it for the Nara trip, we spent the rest of our time just strolling around Nara park, checking out more deers and by sunset, the deers were happily going back to the mountain and we too went back to Osaka so that will be a different post again =)我的奈良一日之旅就到这啦~过后就会去大阪,所以剩下的就留到大阪之篇再写哦