So I’ve been a little addicted to vlogs recently, so I’ve been slacking a little on the blogging bit.
So on the first week of December, Me and Nate had to go down to Singapore for a friend’s wedding.
It was Nate’s first time and we decided to not trouble ze relatives this time around as we were only gonna be there for like 2 days.
Checked the price and Tiger Airways was having a sale(the price to take the bus down wasn’t too far off from the flight price) and since I did wanna shop a little in Changi Airport(What? Don’t judge me ok they had some brands we don’t here in Malaysia) and of course the fact that we get more time to spend in Singapore on the Sunday, we decided to take fly there instead.
SO upon arriving, We purchased Nates’ his MRT card(I’ve already gotten one myself) we took the MRT to Raffles for breakfast.
We were lucky to be arriving not so early during the morning coz most shops were already open but it was still a pretty quiet time to be shopping.
Finally found a nice lil place for breakfast
By this time we were both so hungry we couldn’t even decide what we wanted for breakfast. Everything just looks so good!
Ah my fav!
The guys working there were going on about how good their coffee was but sadly neither me nor Nate we coffee drinkers so we opted for the tea instead
Sooo..much guesses to what we decided to have for breakfast?
Of course, I had my Croque Monsieur
Nate was a lil fascinated by this charcoal salmon burger so he ordered this instead.
Of course not forgetting to take photos
Was just way too hungry to actually pose for the camera.
So when time was about right(Around noon time) we decided to try our luck to see whether our rooms were ready for us to be checked into.
So this time we landed ourselves at Moon Boutique Hotel in Little India, Upper Dickson Road.
At first I was really skeptical of the hotels when we were turning into little India, I thought the place was gonna turn out differently than the photos but to my surprise it didnt!
The insides
The breakfast area
A small little room, pretty much seeing everything once you open the door
Bathroom was clean and I really like the selection of materials they’ve used to build the toilets. I’ve always got this thing for stone-ish kinda designs so plus points from my side.
Our shower place
No surprises, the room was really really small, like just for 2 person it’s just right, I wouldn’t say it’s a comfortable space for you to walk around(there’s really not much space to walk) but it’s def sufficient for the one night stay.
I was actually really happy with the room coz it had nearly everything I needed. Hair dryer to my phone charger and a kettle,
Oh and did I mention they had a nice TV too =D
annnd I’m late for my event now so till my next blogpost =)
Have a great week guys!