星期天一直以来都是我去健身房的一天,可是今年的我就还没有心情去开始这个routine. 想说反正天气也特别好,就到我最喜欢的地方去享受下大自然的天气.
So Sunday usually means gym session in the morning for me. Being the lazy me, I thought it’d be nice to skip gym for once(or maybe for a month) and just find a nice cafe to kinda reflect back on my week. I’ve always loved Chjmes at Cityhall, thought it’s beautiful and there’s a certain je ne sais quoi aura about it.
I love going to cafes alone, a good cuppa with a nice breakfast with no one you’d have to talk and answer to. Brilliant way in my opinion to shut the brain off(not like it’s ever really working really).
I settled at Prive for breakfast and I must say, it was rather quiet for a Sunday morning, which works out perfectly well for me.
Found the best spot ever to be having breakfast. Facing this comforting patch of grass can never be better, and also extremely difficult to resist taking photos of too
So if you know me by now, you’d know my breakfast is usually just eggs benedict HAHA. I tried ordering pancakes this time around but the temptation of the benedicts is just way too strong.
Coffee came, couldn’t resist another photo hah
But the benedicts is on par! I really enjoyed it! I wouldn’t go out of my way to say it’s the best I’ve had but with the whole ambience it’s def one of my most enjoyable brunch I’ve had in Singapore.
Coffee was good too! I did stay a little longer than I had to just to watch the little kids run across the green field. Did also stray around the place for a little to take some photos
Happy Monday guys! Have a great week ahead!
And for those who are going through a difficult time, Ça va aller , so don’t worry, it will be okay.