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由于部落格的layout, 用较大的屏幕阅读这个部落格是最好的哦
由于部落格的layout, 用较大的屏幕阅读这个部落格是最好的哦
Since it’s a Friday, let’s head over to Hallstatt today shall we? Incase you didn’t know much about this little town, it’s located in south-western shore of the Hallstätter See, Austria and is rich with salt, which was a very valuable resource back then. The town is tiny, brilliant for a day trip max 2 days unless you really just wanna do nothing but laze around the very small town. There’s a salt cave you can check out but otherwise it’s a really quaint and nice city.
就看今天是星期五,那我们就去哈尔斯特塔这个小小地方吧。说真的,这个地方真的好漂亮,但是要常驻,可能会真的很闷。哈尔施塔特这个地方嘛,就是奥地利上奥地利州萨尔茨卡默古特地区的一个村庄。其名称中的Hall可能源自于古克尔特语的“盐”,得名于村庄附近的盐矿,历史上这一地区就因盐而致富。1997年该村被列为世界文化遗产,现在是热门旅游目的地 (有没突然觉得我超厉害的,弱弱和你说其实我是wiki 偷资料回来的)
I found happiness in this 5 pounds dress
Happy Friday All!