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由于部落格的layout, 用较大的屏幕阅读这个部落格是最好的哦
I believe I’m not the only one out there struggling with time management. With the amount of work/ errands each day, and the amount of temptations(hello internet) to procrastinate, it’s sometime extremely challenging to keep to our daily task list. Now I’m not saying we should not use the internet, that’s just being unreasonable but here’s a few tips I can give to help you achieve your daily task list better, with the help of Digi’s new data quota of course =p

Set time for morning scrolls

I find that everything comes down to time management, so my first time, is when we all first wake up! Sure it’s tempting to catch up on the things you’ve missed while you were sleeping but here’s one way to make sure you don’t go pass your schedule time! Set a timing for morning scrolls.This means you only give yourself 10 minutes to scroll through. Everything else you miss you can wait till your next break. Trust me, keeping to the 10 minutes (or shorter if you have fewer platforms to check) will give you plenty more time to do other stuff (ie, a full on makeup, a proper breakfast etc)
Spotify playlist your morning prep

Create a playlist and make sure your makeup/waking up routine is done by the time the music stops. We often spend a little too much time maybe with the eyeliner or the tie you cannot decide on wearing. Prepare a playlist(I like spotify) that runs about the amount of time you wish to spend getting prepared, and by the time the playlist ends, you should have gotten everything done and ready to take on the world. The first few days can be a little challenging, especially when if you are rushing against time, but once you get the hang of it, you’ll get through it in a breeze.
这个就是我最近蛮喜欢的一个小撇步。我们有时候在做一个决定的时候,会花多一点时间,可是如果你把自己允许的时间换成几首歌的话,早上要准备的时候播一播音乐(我自己个人喜欢用spotify 来做一个音乐playlist ),限制自己在一定要在音乐结束了自己也准备好的话,是很不错的选择。这一来你不需要一直看着电话上还剩余多少时间,也能知道自己大约还有多少时间去做准备。
Waze plan your schedule

We often underestimate our time on traffic. Trust me, that extra 10 minutes might even allow you to grab coffee before going into work. Unfortunately for us, traffic can be extremely unpredictable. Make use of the traffic planning function on Waze. It will notify you when you HAVE to leave your house before getting into the office. This way you will get to your destination on time, and have a good start to your day. You might think that the unexpected traffic frustration is something you can get used to be trust me, you’ll have a much better mood and day without it.
计划总赶不上变化,尤其是我们的交通,还有我们在马路上花耗的时间还真的不可以小看了。可以利用waze 的行程安排的功能,让你在你预料时间之内抵达目的地,这一来,就也不会因为意外堵车还是怎么样让你在忙碌的一天多了一份吃不消的鸭梨
Plan your uploads in your mind, limit your video watch

If you are like me (social media addict, you’ll prolly wanna upload a couple of things every now and then throughout your day. Spend time to think about how to get around it. For example, if you know you want to upload a instastory/snapchat (follow me on @yukikotan) about your meal, then think of what you want to say/ the angle of the photo you will be taking before arriving to lunch. This way when you take out the phone, it’s a quick snap and everyone else can eat almost immediately after. If you have to watch videos during breaktime, make sure you change your facebook video setting off autoplay, and limit yourself to one video each break. This way you won’t get too carried away
你一定会问我,那如果直接不用电话岂不是更好吗。我会很老实的和你说,要我不按电话是不可能的事。说真的,网络世界对我和我的工作而言真的很重要,一天下都会一直在上网。当然,午饭时间也会想到要上传什么上instagram/snapchat ,可是有时候拍拍照片,然后觉得角度不对,重拍还是怎么样都也挺耗时间的。所以建议你们在吃之前可以花个三十秒想想自己要上传怎么样的一张照片,那食物一到了,你也不需要那个时候才开始想要怎么样做。
Set reminders with Siri

Siri is an excellent way to make sure you keep to your task list.Use your calenders, Siri, any online planner of sort, most phones have these in built. I mean it’s already there. I’m using iphones at the moment and Siri does an excellent location reminder as well as calendar planning so why to put it to good use. I like having a daily task list on the phone, then also using location reminders so when and if I’m around the area, Siri can then remind me to do the task. Of course you’ll have to keep in mind that Siri only works with valid data connection
其实,做个笔记还是to do task list 是很有用的。毕竟我们人脑在那一下也只能容纳那么多的东西,我个人是很喜欢利用我的私人管家(OK啦,其实是用Siri) 来提醒我一天下来的行程表。
Messages can wait/ Set a time to reply

Do you realise how much time you can spend just replying all the messages? We chat, sometimes yes for important workstuff but it also makes you a little slower with all the other progresses with work. Allocate a good 10 minutes each half hour or 5 if there’s lesser messages to reply the messages that comes into your phone.If it’s urgent they will call and if it’s not it can wait.
电话有讯息的时候,其实要一一回答也是很耗时间的。你会发现如果你让你自己每半个小时只check 电话一次,然后自己给自己5分钟-10分钟回答短信,你时间突然会多了很多。若对方有重要的事物,他们致电了,不然,其实回答短信,相信还是可以等多一下的
Get a suitable data plan that is cost effective + fast
Of course having such plan would heavily rely on the data connection and also quota you’ve got on your mobile line.
The slower the line, the more time you’ll spend waiting for things to load, takes more time to send off and if you hit your data quota limit, oh the horror.
Let’s just be honest, most app nowadays requires data usage anyways. Waiting to be connected to Wifi or finding WIfi can take up all the time you’ve got already allocated for your plans so it’s sometime too much of a hassle but you know what, you don’t have to worry about that now!
The slower the line, the more time you’ll spend waiting for things to load, takes more time to send off and if you hit your data quota limit, oh the horror.
Let’s just be honest, most app nowadays requires data usage anyways. Waiting to be connected to Wifi or finding WIfi can take up all the time you’ve got already allocated for your plans so it’s sometime too much of a hassle but you know what, you don’t have to worry about that now!

RM28 for 7GB worth of data! The plan breaks down to 3GB for normal internet usage, 2GB for music freedom (Spotify, Apple music, Joox, Raku) and another 2GB for video freedom( Main partner: Youtube, iFlix, Tonton, Viu)! How convenient! Find out more details here or if you are already a DIGI user, simply dial *116*1#, *116*2#, or *116*3# on your phone depending on which plan you wish to subscribe to.
还好啊,DIGI 最近新推出了一个预付配套,30天 的配套,只需要RM28 就可以有7Gb 的上网容量。3GB 是拿来普通上网用的,2GB 是给予音乐容量,剩余的2GB 是视屏容量。欲知详情可以游览
Next post! Taipei!