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I realized I haven’t written down my 2016 resolutions last year on my blog but I am quite glad to say that I’ve achieved quite a fair bit, to myself at least

This year, I managed to

发现我去年没有在部落格写下我的2016 年对自己的期望呢~可是说真的,还蛮自豪的,至少我答应自己的两件事都做到了。好了因为自己的华文也应该写不错很感人的短篇,所以这篇文章会以英文为主哦
Travel more
Trips I’ve done within this year. Countries and links before I spam you all with photos. This was something I took a little time to figure out, mainly because I didn’t quite know what I want after everything that has happened, but I did promised myself I’d travel more this year, for photos and for creativity sake and I did. Some trips I did alone(you’d be surprise at the shocked faces I get when I try to explain to people that traveling alone is perfectly normal), some with friends and family but all the trips turned out to be very unexpected, in a very good way of course. I’ve learnt quite a fair bit about myself, and also plenty about different people around me when I travel. I also did spend a lot of time familiarizing myself with my trusty 70D and finally purchased a 10-18mm lens and fell in love with it.
Is it bad that if I told you I’ve learnt to be extremely creative with my photo tripods when I travel alone? The things and ways I’d do just for a photo hah, trust me you’ll laugh if you ever see it.
Korea ( couldn’t resist not putting this in)- Seoul Day 1, Food in Seoul, Gyeongbokgong, Changgyeonggung, Buchok Hanok
HokkaidoSapporo Day 1, Things to eat in Sapporo, Noboribetsu, Otaru
JohorA different Johor, JB Cafes
OsakaOsaka Must Eat, Cheap Accommodation Tips
NaraDeer, shall we go on a date?
KyotoA different Kyoto, Kyoto Sight Seeing 2, Shigaken
BaliBali Memories
PenangAdventures of Mr Zebra
LondonLondon Dreaming
ViennaVienna in 36 hours
BudapestWhen in Budapest
PraguePrague Memories
HallstattHallstat photolog
and finally, Taipei– which I’ve yet to blog about

I smiled more
I did def smiled alot more this year. This year, I cut off some ties (people whom I thought would treat me a friend), steered away from dramas and spent time with people whom I matter and mattered to me and made new friends that I’d really like to keep in my life. Sure there was quite a bit of hiccups and I sometimes look back and feel a little emotional, like the past few years worth of memories just gone but I’m pretty happy to how everything turned out to be the way it is. I don’t think I really have to explain the photos but if you can relate to the photos and know where how the photos were taken, it means you are pretty much part of what made 2016, 2016 to me.

and whilst the post might not be the lengthiest, especially compared to some other bloggers’s recap but I feel like I’ve literally penned down my whole year consistently on this blog. I also want to really take this time to thank everyone who has supported my blog this year, be it helping me with my crazy ideas for photos, or just putting up with me taking the photos just for the blog! I’ve gotten amazing feedbacks, emails on the travel tips I’ve shared and also so much compliments from everyone on my photography effort. I really really thank all of you and I promise I will strive to work harder for 2017
Now, onwards to 2017!
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