Superstar Libra with Hwajing Travel | 与华京旅游渡天枰星号记

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I think with the amount of flying I’ve been doing, it’s nice to take a break and have something a little different ey. I hope it’s been a good weekend for everyone but if not, here’s a blogpost to share some ideas for your next travel planning. I’ve recently been very lucky to be invited on board the Superstar Libra cruise by Hwajing Travel. I’ve always loved the ocean, and with most my friends constantly on cruises(performers), it just always seemed like a good idea to go on cruise trips. My itinerary this time round?
Port Klang – Phuket – Penang – Port Klang in 4 days 3 nights
巴生港口- 普吉岛- 槟城- 巴生港口
You’d be surprise to see that tour groups actually do fantastic deals for cruises, that and with Hwajing, you are always in for a treat!
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专页: Hwajing Travel & Tours Sdn Bhd

Hwajing Travel & Tours Sdn Bhd
华京旅游 【Penang分行】
地址: 15A, Rangoon Road, 10400 Penang
联络号码: +604- 229 6566
专页:Hwajing Travel & Tours Sdn Bhd


I know plenty of people who’d ask what are the stuff you could do on cruises, trust me, plenty, but like travelling, you can’t use the same mentality and habit you have on land, on a cruise. I’m just going to list a couple of my favourite things to have whilst going on cruise.
1) You get to unpack! Cruises cabins often have enough cabinet space (Libra has a week worth of clothes storage for 2 ). This means you get to unpack, and reach out to your clothes/items easily throughout your trip. Think of it as reaching your hotel room when you travel

2) You get to explore light. I find with travelling, the hassle of having to go back to your hotel when you’ve forgotten something important for your day, extremely annoying. When you are on the cruise, all you gotta do is walk back to your room to get what you need, or get changed if you have a change of plan in activities.

3) You will never get hungry. HAHAHA, no I’m serious! On Starcruise Libra, we were provided with 4 buffet a day, and if you travel with Hwajing, you even get a high tea specially prepared for you whilst on the cruise.

4) You don’t have to feel bad if you end up being lazy. I mean, come on, let’s all admit it, even travelling is tiring when you squash a gazillion itinerary in a day. The struggle of “oh I really wanna relax, but I feel bad for not exploring” is def real when you travel to a foreign country, but when you are on a cruise, you have all the reasons to chill and properly rest.

那,渡轮好玩吗?说真的,你倘若拿着在陆地旅游的心态在船上旅游,你应该会不太喜欢渡轮的感觉,但是呀,我觉得入乡随俗啦,反正都上了轮船,为什么不用一个新的态度去享受你的旅程呢~ 个人有几个建议哦~
1) 我个人最喜欢的莫过于进了厢房过后可以直接把衣服都给放入衣柜的感觉。天枰星号的厢房的衣柜都足以让两人放下一个星期的衣服呢~

2) 然后啊,因为东西都在厢房里,所以当你想要走走逛逛的时候你不必拿得一身重死人不偿命的包包到处随逛,忘了东西就直接回房间拿就好了。因为游轮上大部分的消费已经都包括在内了,如果你想要额外消费,你可以直接用你的房卡付费,到最后一天才到前台缴清费用就好了,不必担心有没现金,还是忘了带钱包的麻烦。真的很方便哦~.

3) 嘴馋的就真的不用怕了,天枰星号一天让你四餐自助餐吃到饱。如果你还是华京旅游的客人,你还有一个额外特别为你准备的下午茶,超丰富的。至于减肥嘛,那你吃不饱,怎么可能还会有力气减肥对吧

4) 然后你如果要上渡轮颓废,其实也不需要太过心里过意不去。说真的,旅游真的会累,尤其是你需要背包旅游的时候,那种一整天一定要有节目的心态,真的会累。但是在渡轮上,你爱怎么样就怎么样,真颓废假颓废都不会那么愧疚哈哈哈哈哈哈哈

Welcome Dance by the cruise staff

Superstar Libra is not a new cruise, it is however, very clean and comfortable for a weekend stay. I think the fact that it is not a new cruise also means you know that the staffs are def well trained(we had such great service on cruise). On cruises, each level are referred as Decks, most decks are occupied by rooms and Superstar Libra different rooms catered for different needs. I shared a room with Wen Li, and we had the L bed bedrooms that i thought was quite spacious. To be honest, I was very impressed with the cleanliness on board, so much so that I actually felt like it was my own bed at home.

Of course when you are on board for days, you’d be looking for activities to do. The cruise has a full day itinerary planned that is free for all to join, and if the itinerary does not interest you, you could always venture out to do different things on the cruise, else you could always explore the cruise, you’ll find unexpected surprises on cruises, trust me on this =). If you are a photography enthusiast, you’ll likely stumble across a spot you’d fall in love to take photos, and when you do, you’d likely spend most your time there, I know I sure did.

Meals | 食物
Photo Credit: Marvin
The only thing you’d have to worry about food is deciding if you’d wanna be full, or super full after your meal HAHAHA. I’m serious, Superstar Libra has a great selection for food options. Given that the kitchen has a no open fire policy, the food is actually very very satisfying, heck award winning chef on the cruise yo! I personally loved their curries and their fried chicken, and I generally do not like chicken meat ._. You have the buffet selection, which is inclusive in your cruise package and you also can opt for the a la carte restaurants(you’ll need to pay), if you are feeling for something a little more fancy. My personal fav was actually from the a la carte menu. The chicken was so well cooked I just fell straight in love with the dish.
在天枰星号上,你唯一要担心的事就是你想吃10分饱还是想吃12分饱哈哈哈哈哈哈哈。真的啦,虽然说游轮上都有不能用明火来煮东西的原则(为了安全起见),所以在船上所吃到的食物都是无火烹饪哦~但是,食物还真的是棒!我个人会推荐可以其中一餐到天枰星号 Spices Restaurant 试试看吃他们的清真餐,虽然这餐会需要额外付费,但是,真的很好吃!而且这餐可是在游轮界上出名的哦,得过奖的哦~
Four Seasons Restaurant Breakfast Buffet (Asian and Western Cuisine)
Spices Restaurant ( Certified Halal Malay Cuisine)
Things To Do on the Cruise | 活动
1) Always check your cruise newsletter. They update it daily, giving you times for all the activities happening on board as well as sunrise/sunset time. Talk to the cruise staff and ask if they have a favourite spot on the cruise to recommend.
2) Find spots for photos. Personal tip? Check out less mainstreamed areas, I mean you are on a cruise, and when a cruise sails out you are surrounded by large body of water, so meaning you’d see the seas from every corner of the cruise. If a spot is too crowded, go elsewhere, you’d find a place to take that photo without people photombombing you.
3) Wake up for sunrise. I know it’s quite a pain to do so, but it’s actually really quite worth it. I mean you could always go back to sleep after breakfast if you want to but let’s be honest, there’s nothing like watching a sunrise from the middle of the ocean. If you aren’t sure where the sun is rising from, just use your phone’s compass and face east. You’ll see the sun rising, unless the sun decides to rise from elsewhere, which I’m quite sure is very unlikely.
4) Check out the shore excursions provided by the cruises. They often provide great deals if you want to do a quick tour around the area. If you really want to stinge, you could also check out the shore excursions to get ideas to where to go HAHA.
3) 看日出,虽然说这个难度有点高,但是真的很值得,你大可以看了日出在回去睡觉,但是真的,可以去试试看。如果找不到日出,可以用电话里的指南针找出东的位置,除非你真的超级无敌倒霉,太阳如果真的西边出来话,那。。你认命吧。
Tips | 提点
1) Bring your own water bottle when boarding the cruise. The rooms will have 2 water bottles provided but if you need extra, they always charge. You can however ask them to refill your bottle when you visit the restaurants as they will do it for free. You could also ask for hot water when you are on the cruise. Just dial into concierge and they’d bring you a thermo flask with hot water in it.
2) Bring a jacket. As will be in the middle of the ocean, the surrounding temperature will drop, on top of that the cruise is very well air conditioned so you might feel cold if you are not as used to such temperatures.
3) If you ever do get seasick, walk around the deck. It is always better to walk out for fresh air than to stay in your room as confined space will only make it worse.
1) 不要忘了带水杯哦,虽然说房间都会每天提供两瓶水,但是如果你想要喝水的哈,可以到餐厅让服务员免费为你装水哦。你也可以打去前台和他们要热水,这样一来你就会有个热水壶送来你房间咯~

2) 不要忘记带外套。别忘了你四面八方都是海,温度会比陆地来的凉,千万别忘了哦
3) 如果你真的晕船的话,千万不要呆在房间里,出来吹吹风,会舒服多了。

Excursion Tips | 出游提点
1) Always rely on your watch time. DO NOT follow your phone timing as it changes accordingly to your destination but you board ALWAYS according to cruise time

2) If you are thinking of buying alcohol, I’d suggest you check out the options they’ve got on cruise first. I find that cruise alcohol prices are really cheap, that, and you can’t bring liquor or cooked food on board back onto the cruise anyways haha!

Pool Side Bar

right, that’s all for now! Till next post!
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