Bonjour madame

So last night I was very blessed to be invited to the Kronenbourg L’aperitif 1664 Fashion Show all courtesy to Manoah for the invite. It was held in what I believe to be the most beautifully decorated hotel, The Majestic Hotel KL. If you don’t know about the place already, here’s their webpage *click*
I had tea once there before and I have to say it’s def my fav place to have tea now. They have a beautiful setting along with the most beautiful orchid room to be having tea in.

Unfortunately we didn’t prebook the room early enough to be having tea at the Orchid room but the lounge area itself is good enough. Here’s the tea-set we had the other day and mann, I’m missing it heaps already

My only regrets was not bringing my camera with me that time during tea or I could have gotten better pictures but since I had my Note 3 with me it wasn’t too big of a deal because the photo editing applications on my phone is pretty darn awesome as you can tell from the pictures above, all the photos above were taken by my Note 3 and I have to say, it looks pretty good! The first picture(The one with the chair in the garden is my current wallpaper and I am in love with it!) It makes me all happy when I look at my phone, which is actually alll the time!
This time around L’aperitif Fashion show was also held at the same place, I arrived relatively early to the place(to avoid traffic) and since I was there probs an hour before the event, I thought it’d be a perfect opportunity to take photos! Lucky I didn’t had to wait alone because JQ and Sandy arrived early for the event too!

and meet my beret partner in crime for the night- JQ

Here’s the lounge area we were waiting in before the fashion show starts. Girly chats, a good cup of tea..ah that’s the life ey=p

So at about 6.45PM we walked over to the ballroom for the fashion show. Kronenbourg was nice enough to have beautiful finger foods and yummy snacks for us while waiting. Brilliant stuff I tell you especially when none of us has had dinner yet.. I must have ate about 20 small canapĂ© servings myself LOL. Later that night I’ve also realised I’ve pronounced Kronenbourg wrongly the whole time, I’ve always thought of it as “Kro-nen-berg” but only realised it was actually pronounced as “Kro-nen-bouh” ahhh I guess I learn something new everyday ey.
Neeways enough about pronunciation, look how pretty the place was!

After we were well watered and fed(Well I”m sure I was) we adjourned to the hall for some fashion action!

I’ve compiled all individual shots along with a group shots for you for easy viewing but do tell me what’s your fav set yo. My personal fav? number 3 and 5!
And the winner of the night?
Well lucky Ellie won herself a 3 months internship in London! What a prize to be won ey! I wouldn’t mind moving to London for 3 months for some new experience! Here’s a recap of the winner’s design. I kid you not the detail to the dresses is no joke. The models must have had so much difficulty walking in the dresses in grace.

That’s it for the Kronenbourg L’aperitif Fashion Show. And guess what! It’s FRIDAY!

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