Thanks for those who participated in my mini giveaway!
I’ve got the results of the giveaway!
The winner for
Set A->Adrian
Set B->Wilee
ANDDDD I’m throwing in 2 more sets of facemask just because you guys are awesome!
Both Cindy and Fione will get yourselves each 2 facemask! Thank you again for participating in the giveaway and I really hope you will all enjoy your facemask! I will be in contact with you guys very soon!
K back to the weekends,
On Friday night, Manoah(yes I know, pretty awesome right) gave us invites to Prodigy relaunch! Music was so good that night I actually didn’t wanna leave but here’s some photos(fine just 2) to the night! I’m still waiting for photos so once I get them I’ll have them posted up soon!
I just found this picture so darn interesting because of the amount of photograhers that was trying to take a photo of all of us. All we were trying to do was to get a group shot and the next thing you know it was “look here, look here” pretty interesting if you asked me =p
Then on Saturday, surprise surprise, I ended up in Genting again hah. Yes again to see Satoshi’s act but this time I also managed to catch JC’s act! That guy is a charmer(he ought to be since he was the champion for one of the huge competition in China in the year 2012) on stage you should really check out his act should you have a chance to!
Charming guy, charming magic, what more can you ask for right?
Fine fine, I’ll admit we went up to Genting again to catch Satoshi’s act. I am so glad I insisted on Don and Zana to come along because Satoshi, oh Satoshi, you are def a world class juggler I tell you!
I guess that’s pretty much it for my Easter weekend, nothing fancy if you asked me but it’s def very fulfilling since I got so much time to hang out with some really old friends. Thanks Icelone for the poodle like balloon hah, I’m still really wanting a butterfly next time round!
Happy week guys!