These few weeks on instagram
From left to right,
-Been so busy with French classes I hardly have time for breakfast anymore. Done for classes this week so I finally had time to relax and make myself a good cuppa tea and a proper breakfast today.
-Boat noodles last weekend was pretty intense. Me, Nate and Nelson ordered 50 bowls. To be fair me and Nate only ordered 20 but Nelson had to order 30 for himself, needless to say we were super super stuffed after the meal. Table next to us kept staring at the bowls we had piled up, they had double the amount of people sitting at their table but not as many bowls on their table as we had lol.
– 12 cupcakes the other day at Sally Hansen’s workshop! Yes, I’ll be doing another giveaway really soon!
– Nate made sushi rice a few weeks back and man I have to give it to him, it’s one of the worst tasting sushi rice I’ve had in my life LOL. I was so happy the onigiri mould i bought worked well but first bite on the onigiri was =/ Too much vinegar but heck, it did make a very good photo.
– Still absolutely loving my teacart. Super handy!
– So I took a recent break from my bread obsession and starting having my breakfast in wraps instead. I usually really like having them heated up in the oven but I always always end up burning the edges =.=. I’ve also recently started practicing my contact juggling again, not easy but I’ll slowly get there.
– Strawberry cravings. I think Instagram is seriously a very dangerous platform, it’s always so tempting! I see pictures of strawberries and next thing you know I’m picking up strawberries from the supermarket =.=
– Perhaps my next flower purchase should be roses again. They always run out the white roses with the slight pink tint, which is sad coz they are my fav colors.
– Countdown 4 months and I’ll be back in Perth again. I cannot wait!
Also 2 things I might have missed out on, my Veuve Clicquot night
(image credit)