I should really stop saying sorry actually and start posting abit more frequently. I’ve been so busy I haven’t had time to even take photos of anything recently! I did however manage to sneak in a few photos yesterday so here we go! Did i mention? I’ve just booked my tickets again back to Perth(kid you not it seriously feels like going home).
I’ll have a proper decent post by Friday, fingers crossed and another giveaway for you guys so don’t abandon me just yet! I’ll start off my post with OOTDs? I’ve always thought dressing up for work’s abit dull, but then I realised hey it is actually quite fun too, all the long sleeves I can wear and long maxi dresses, totally my kinda thing!
I’ve been really loving just simple tops and throwing a necklace over it because it’s just so easy when you have really lack of time in the morning to really dress up.
Photos all taken by cookies btw
And if it gets too cold, you throw on a blazer! Photosake guys, photosake, I don’t wear this blazer everywhere when it’s really hot outside lol and yes those are the heels I wear for work. I think going to events wearing heels that height has made me so comfortable walking in them anything less than the usual height I’m having trouble walking in em.
If not, wedges works too! Comfy pants are probs border line to what I’d wear . You’ll hardly see me in jeans, just not really my kinda thing I guess, plus, I’m still on a hunt for that perfect jeans, anyone else got a brand to recommend?
But most the time, it’s still skirts and dresses, I’m absolutely loving the new hair curler I bought! My curl stays throughout the day and it takes less than 5 minutes to get the whole head done!
But yes, apart from office work, it’s nothing but just food, and food and food for the next 8 days. I’m looking forward to freedom again lol, I’ve been in the office working EVERYDAY for the past 2 weeks! Thanks to Nelson, I’ve been craving for ramen quite a fair bit.
Hence the countless trips to the yummy ramen shop in 1u
But yesterday I did something different. Kok Phin picked me up from work and brought me to this lil cafe in Aman Suria for dinner. Thinking cups, hah, seriously I think he’s trying to hint that I should perhaps think abit more but yeah, we found ourselves a nice lil corner and chat most our night away. Always good to have a bigger brother you know, the ones that bullies/steals your food and drives you insane till no end but will never allow anyone to do the same thing to you.
I particularly love this wall,
They have little messages on it which I thought is super super cool!
It’s a cafe, so the food choices are limited but they recommended the Chicken Katsu Curry and I have to say I’m really impressed with the food.
I’m not usually a chicken person unless they are fried, then I’d have abit more but this was done just right coz I had quite a fair bit of chicken meat that night.
Otherwise, the cafe is just a very nice place to chill.
Not sure whether it got me thinking about stuff but I guess if I ever needed just abit of space to think about things this would def be the place since it’s so near where I stay.
And that’s it for today guys!
Again I say this, but we’ve made it through midweek so 2 more days to go!