The Assembly Ground

So every Wednesdays our get-together night. We finally decided on where to have dinner,after nearly a week of debate and settled with The Assembly Ground. Located happily in Cathay, this place is def one will not miss.
还果真是星期三的约会啊~ 都不用怎么约,就和同一班人吃晚饭去了。别问我是怎么样决定我们吃饭的地点,因为我们也是星期三下午才决定要在哪里吃了(这回还真的是男生们的错)。还好到最后还是决定了到The Cathay 里的 The Assembly Ground 吃了。

And hah, small world, even ran into someone from Malaysia who was here for work*hint guy in white shirt* but let’s not side track and focus on the lighting! How awesome are these fairy lights!

Simple table decors, always nice to have flowers ey
桌上的摆设品就简单多了,一个小花瓶,一些花。 有时候就是那么简单~

Good thing there was the 4 of us, you get to try more food= you get to snap more photos
A 点了 冰绿茶拿铁,拿铁还多了冰淇淋。若不是我不怎么喝冷的,这怎么可能不是我的首选啊~
Ice green tea latte, always a bonus when they serve em with a nice generous scoop of ice cream.

可是说真的,其实也在纠结于可不可以把自己晚餐的分量给吃完,所以我也就乖乖喝水而已,CK 就点了一杯热热的绿茶拿铁暖暖胃。
and of course, just can’t say no to a hot cup of green tea latte either can we. Well to be fair neither of these were mine. I was already trying to figure out whether I could finish my dinner so I settled with just plain ol water instead.

But I did order the truffle fries. Oh gosh the truffle fries, words cannot even begin to describe how AMAZING they smell
这个黑松露薯条特棒的~真的真的好香,有机会你一定要试试。本来想说等人齐了才开动的,结果Y 还没到我就忍不住先偷吃了几口,因为真的是太香了

Y settled with super yummy hot chocolate aka milo kao
Y 的巧克力冷饮。说真的,喝起来的感觉很像浓浓的美路~应该很难不喜欢吧。

and our food came shortly after. Yes, I know breakfast for dinner, legit ya. I had the Benji Eggs Benedict and I must say I’m really impressed~ Eggs were cooked to perfection and the hollandaise was well how a hollandaise should be.
上菜的时间都好快,我的benji’s egg benedict 真的很不错吃的说。鸡蛋时间拿捏的很准确,吃了真的心情好愉快~

CK’s big breakfast was okay he says, the bread was tad too dry for his liking but the sausage and mushroom was quite yums.

Y’s spicy bacon sausage pasta was quite the yummers too. Too bad Y wasn’t quite in the mood for spicy food(No idea why he ordered a spicy food to begin with) but I def wasn’t complaining. Happily stealing food off his place
Y 的主食也不错吃。明明就也不太爱吃辣的他(也不知道为什么他会点这份来吃了),竟然还点了 spicy bacon sausauge pasta来吃。也好,他少吃=我多吃

and of course, the ol classic Fish and Chips. A was craving for something heavy so he got himself a fish and chip for dinner. Did he like it? yes Did I like it? Yes
How did I know?
Well let’s say we played a game call “Hey look there’s a really pretty lady there”
A 的鱼柳还真的不错吃的说(别问我为什么会知道得那么清楚,好啦好啦,我承认我自己在他不注意的时候偷吃了挺多口的)。特别喜欢他们自家弄的wasabi mayo。

and of course ended the night with desserts.
Ordered the Tiramisu and I believe it was the cheesecake. Tiramisu was okay, thought it was abit too dense for my liking

but the cheesecake was on point!

and it’s Friday tomorrow! You guys excited for the weekend yet?

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