So being a magic enthusiast, and having grown up with magician friends has made me realized how interesting how things can be at times. I’m quite sure you’d be able to relate if you’ve been in the magic scene for too long, or have friends who are passionately in love with magic
1) Bikes are not bikes, you’ll have to be specific
2) There’s always a deck of cards, most of the times either an incomplete deck or a deck with a few extra too many cards, but there’s always a deck of cards somewhere close by
3) Shuffling a new deck of cards always makes you emotional
New deck of cards, feels so different
4) You subconsciously do something to the coin/card that’s given to you
5) Speaking of coins, there’s always those coins in your wallet/pocket you are particularly reluctant to spend
6) And you have coins laying around the house that cannot be used -.-
7) Admit it, you’ve got a top hat laying around, somewhere.
8) You’ll never see magic the same way ever again
9)and you fanboy/girl when there’s a magic scene properly done on TV shows
10) But most importantly, you make amazing friends, meet people you’d think you’d never have a chance to meet and you will always have that special bond with these friends.
So, how did you guys meet?
Oh, magic
So again, if you are always up for a magic show, do check out Superstars of Magic 4 in Genting, and if you can’t stand the ride up, take the cable car! The view is magnifique!
and check out Nadzri Harif on Instagram coz he’s doing his 365 days of magic!
Nadzri’s Instagram account
Signing off,