Western Australia has always been my favourite place to travel to, the blue skies, the vast ocean is always one of my fav things to see. This time around I travelled back to spend some time with a very dear friend of mine and we decided to travel down south(Denmark and Albany) for Easter long weekend. Flew with Malaysia Airline this time around and was really glad as the service provided was top notch as usual.
I always stay in Perth hah and the furthest I’ve been is just to Margaret River region due to time constrain so when Vicky suggested that we go to down to Albany and Denmark (yes there is a Denmark in Western Australia) I was totally up for the trip. It was a long drive but we stop by Wilson to grab a cuppa and was in Albany before we knew it, we arrived at our destination.

Wait, Denmark in Western Australia?

Our trip was a very interesting one, I mean I visited during Easter, and the week had an average of about 20-25 degrees Celsius of hot sunny days, until that weekend. The weather dropped till about 8 degree Celsius and it was even SNOWING on one of the hiking trails down in Albany, so needless to say, we were very unprepared for a weather like this

We drove over to Little Beach the next day, and I totally fell in love with the place. The water was so incredible blue and clear it was such an amazing experience

Little Beach

Spot the fishies
We did some exploring around the nearby area too and found some amazing places that I wished I could tell you where, but we had absolute no signal on our phones by then so I couldn’t save the location on my phone

We travelled to Denmark the next morning, initially wanting to take some photos at Elephant Rocks but it was way too crowded for our liking and decided to go on a wine trail instead

Decided to try our luck again at Elephant Rocks and luckily for us this time, as the sun was setting, we had a much quieter beach.

And that’s it for my downsouth journey in Western Australia. I hope you enjoyed the photos and the video I made on the trip!