Week 15

The colors are mega cute, and these are the ones that has def caught my eyes. I can never really resist pastel nail polish colors but some of the darker nail colors they’ve got are…
View PostA monthly ritual

As a female, we all go through that unpleasant time of the month. Unfortunately for me, I’m the type who’d pretty much be useless throughout the day so I’m mostly on bed rest, but even…
View PostWeekly Updates

Thought I’d do a quick week recap. Last week marks a brand new start for a lot of things in my life. Made a trip to somewhere to finalize some stuff(Never thought I’d had to…
View PostMagicians

So being a magic enthusiast, and having grown up with magician friends has made me realized how interesting how things can be at times. I’m quite sure you’d be able to relate if you’ve been…
View PostSuperstar of Magic 4 Magician’s Night

After work last night, Shon and I decided to drive up for Superstars of Magic 4 Magician’s night but first, a casual meet up with John Kit! and soon after we drove up to genting.…
View PostSelamat Hari Raya All

Won’t be posting for a while, am planning or my next trip(I’m def excited) but here’s my vlog =D Hope you enjoy it!
View PostMoving!

So I’m gonna be a tad busy over the next week. I’m moving back to KL! How exciting. I’m going to Perth on the 8th so I guess I won’t be properly in KL until…
View PostJuly Plans.

So I know June isn’t quite over yet but I need to start planning for July now, reason being well, I’m off on a couple of trips again. I know I won’t be blogging as…
View PostA night at Mandarin Oriental and with Katy Perry

Would like to first and foremost apologize for the poor quality of the photos. The only camera I’ve had for the past day was my phone and since I wasn’t feeling well, this was the…
View PostLong weekend and April Plans

I’m just looking at my April plans and I”m actually quite stoked. Had a very amazing Easter weekend, blessed Easter guys. I wasn’t back in KL as I’ll be flying off again on Wednesday so…
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